Why The Three of Cups?

In tarot, the medicine of the three of cups is all about connection. Connection to family, friends and community, and also to Spirit or the Divine. There’s celebration and gratitude in this card, which so resonates with the experience I’ve had re-connecting with my ancestors. I’ve felt their gratitude, love and joy for me for just showing up. And being able to work with them to provide healing to those in need has deepened and expanded our connection. This has carried over into my other relationships with friends and family, which are deeper and better than ever. Celebration and gratitude, indeed!

Meet Andrea

Andrea Aase, MTS is dedicated to reclaiming her connections to ancestors, the earth, the elements, and the Divine through ritual invocation, deep prayer and meditation. With compassion and humor, Andrea is passionate about holding space for others to reclaim these connections as well. The child and grandchild of adoptees, Andrea has discovered through research that her ancestral roots include Great Britain, Scotland, Sweden, and Germany. Andrea holds a Master of Theological Studies, is a certified reiki practitioner, tarot enthusiast and life-long learner. She lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota, on traditional Dakota lands, with her two cats.